Dear Mary: My boss is a vicious bully but I like my job and a new one is hard to find

"I was shouted at viciously in the corridor." Stock image: Getty

Mary O'Conor

My boss is bullying me. About 10 years ago there was a staff relations issue between me and another colleague, and my boss dealt with this dreadfully, immediately taking my colleague’s side, even after it later emerged that he was telling lies, created by him and his little crew of mates.

During this period of investigation, if I became upset, the boss would threaten me with an occupational health referral as I was unfit to work if I was upset. One day he even stood in the doorway of the bathroom barring my exit throwing this threat at me. Yet the other party could be upset and I would get blamed for their upset. It came to a conclusion as I was able to prove the lies. However, ever since then my boss has had it in for me. I have stayed in the job as the work itself is so pleasant otherwise, and apart from a few yearly attacks, it has been OK.