Modern Morals: My mum is besotted with her new boyfriend but my gut says he’s a gold digger

He has practically moved in and doesn’t seem to pay for anything

Though it's difficult to stand back, your mother is free to make her own relationship decisions, and even mistakes. Photo: Getty

Katie Byrne

Question: My mum and dad split up over five years ago. They’re in their late 50s/early 60s. My dad got into a relationship fairly soon after but my mum never met anyone until recently.

She and this man have been together for about eight months now and it is moving way too fast for my liking. He’s practically moved into our family home where she lives alone, and I’ve never seen him put his hand into his pocket for anything. He is newly separated and describes himself as an ‘entrepreneur’ but he hardly works. I think he’s just looking for somewhere to live after his wife kicked him out.