Asking for a friend: I was never sexually attracted to my husband and have been getting lots of male attention recently. Should I stay with him and live half a life?

'I feel like this is my last chance to experience love and fun.' Photo posed

Caroline West

Q: I had a very difficult childhood due to an abusive home life and a facial deformity. My childhood left emotional scars and I was vulnerable and needy, so I formed unhealthy relationships, eventually marrying the first man who showed half an interest in me. I was never sexually attracted to him, but I enjoyed the security of marriage and I shrunk my world further to raise our children. He sometimes strayed but we had some good times too. He was from a dysfunctional background too, but we did our best to give our children the lives we never had. I got therapy to help me deal with my childhood which helped a lot and I started looking after myself again. I recently returned to work after a career break to raise our children and have managed to become very successful in a high-profile job. I feel good and look good, and I get a lot of male attention, which I am enjoying. I have discreetly dated one man, but I have many more offers and I don’t know what to do. My husband initially said that we could have an open marriage but now he is changing his mind and wants us to be exclusive. He can also be very kind which leaves me confused. I feel like this is my last chance to experience love and fun. I am also conscious that I am emotionally naive and inexperienced and that I may end up alone in a few years, but I think that may be better than living half a life. Any insight or advice would be appreciated.

Dr West replies: It’s great that your husband is kind to you, but that is honestly the lowest bar in a relationship. It’s like saying consent is important for sex — it’s the lowest possible standard for an encounter, and there should be so much more to it than the pure basics. It should be one of the very elementary building blocks of a relationship and stems from respect.