Sorry, women – you’re probably going to have to teach your man how to be a ‘good boyfriend’

Is it a woman’s duty to train her partner to be a better person? According to Olivia Petter, they may not have a choice – and it’s likely to be a thankless job

Many women have taught their boyfriends how to cook. Photo: Getty

Olivia Petter
© UK Independent

I remember the moment so clearly, it’s practically burnt into my brain. It’s seven years ago and I’m having dinner with a group of friends. All of us are sharing stories about the men we’re dating. One is frustrated because he keeps leaving the toilet seat up. Another is angry because he spends too much time playing video games. And one is concerned her boyfriend might be a fascist. Then the only one among us to be in a long-term relationship leans forward and whispers: “Don’t worry, girls. You just need to train them.”

All of us turned to her in an instant as she explained. It transpired that the therapised, emotionally intelligent, tidy, and considerate partner she’d had for three years was not like that at all when she met him. No, no. He was but a mere boy — an untrained puppy in desperate need of some direction. And he got it in droves.